
Ah, the wonderful world of teeth...

I know this is a little odd, but Karen and I were talking on quilting.about.com the other day about my teeth. She's a friend, and a dental hygenist, and, well, you all know I'm having some issues.

At my first orthodontic evaluation, they took some pictures of my teeth (and face, but I'll spare you that image, in case you've just had a drink of your beverage of choice!)...

Here's the series that shows:
1) how beautifully shaped my teeth are -- seriously, the assistant said that several times. Ulterior motive, perhaps...
2) how straight my teeth are -- thanks, mom and dad, for the braces!
3) how out of whack my bite currently is. Back molar hitting too soon on the right, making left teeth not come together at all (I'm actually forcing my mouth as closed as possible in these pics. "Midline" shifted in the front (ideally, one's four front teeth should align perfectly).

I can't remember if I mentioned before that this is sort of the result of treatment for TMJD. The panorex x-ray did show that the TMjoint is -- finally -- in the correct position, meaning it's operating properly and positioned as it should be. That's good news, although I seriously dislike the resulting bite (if you can even call it that).

Why am I telling you all this? I honestly don't know...
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