
Happy birthday to me!

I drove through a thunderstorm to get here, although you might be guessing that from the rain :) There's quite a line -- it's a new enough Sonic that there are still cops directing traffic! But mmmmmm fresh lemon slush...
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


sophie said...

Happy Birthday Amy. Mmmm . . . fresh lemon slush sounds like a great way to celebrate to me ;-)

black bear cabin said...

Happy Birthday to you!!! The closest sonic burger to us is about 4 hours away, so alas, we dont eat there often :( We are, however, having the perfect summer day up here, complete with river swimming, chili dogs, a squirt gun fight, and a late afternoon nap :)
Hope your day is as fabulous as ours!!

Kate North said...

Happy birthday! I've never had a fresh lemon slush, but it sounds yummy.