
Happy Birthday... almost

Happy birthday... to me (tomorrow) and to my blog (today). Shall I sing? (Say no, trust me!) Tell you what, YOU sing and I'll listen. Much better plan.

So here's the deal: Many of my friends are well-established here in blogland, and I've been happily reading about their lives from a generally-safe distance. For some unknown-to-me reason, I've been "bitten" by the blogging bug recently. (Yikes -- who knew it was contagious?! Was there a vaccine I missed? I'm surely allergic to any antibiotic that might work... ) Ah well, seems I'm joining the party, perhaps a little more than fashionably late, but I'm here now and my dress is fabulous! Someone bring me a glass of champagne...

Totally kidding, of course -- I'm sitting here in cutoffs and the free t-shirt I got yesterday from an orthodontist I'm evaluating. (Gee, it sounds FAR less scary to be turning 35 and contemplating braces -- again -- when I'm evaluating him instead of the other way around! See, Sophie, there's hope for perspective after all.) It's not a shirt I'd wear out of the house (let's think here, 35 and advertising an orthodontist?), but it was perfect for cleaning the refrigerator tonight! (It's best you don't ask about that... let's just say 24 hours without electricity in 90+ degree heat. You'd have emptied it too. Luckily tomorrow's trash day!)

So, patience, please, as I work to populate this blog with hopefully somewhat-interesting content and some links to other great blogs I read. (Someone please tell me I don't have to do that one link at a time... )


sophie said...

Yay! Welcome to blogland, Amy.

Kate North said...

About time you joined us :) Welcome!

Unknown said...

Heh heh. Now you are sucked in just like the rest of us. And it is contagious. And you will spread your enthusiasm for your blog to others who will in turn start their own blogs.

And comments? don't get me started about how much I love them. ::grin::

Congratulations for coming to the dark side!