
Happy Birthday Mr. Rogers

I almost forgot -- today would have been Fred Rogers 80th birthday. A call went out -- wear your favorite sweater (a cardigan, natch) in honor of his kind and gentle spirit.

Although I *didn't* remember about "Won't You Be My Neighbor Day" this morning while getting dressed, I actually DID choose one of my favorite cardis to wear today. It's not red and doesn't have a zipper (funny, the one I wore on Monday fits that bill!), but it's comfy and wasn't too warm for the first day of spring. Did you know that Mr. Rogers' mother knitted all of his cardigans?

I grew up with Mr. Rogers, and his kind and gentle approach to life and play was both meaningful and memorable. For 15 great reasons to love him, read this list.

Thanks, Mr. Rogers -- here's to you.

1 comment:

Kate North said...

I have a cardigan on today, too - admittedly, it's a variegated rose colour and doesn't have a zip (or buttons for that matter - it's an open front which overlaps from the middle down & one could use a large brooch with it, but I never bother) but it's a cardigan. I wear it a lot...

I also grew up with Mr Rogers. And remember Mr Robinson's neighbourhood on Saturday Night Live?