
Preview Time...

Well, I still can't find the cord for the camera, but discovered that I can pop the memory card directly into my computer. An extra couple of steps, but it does get the images out of the camera and into the blog. Just consider that another example of my service to humanity. (yeah. right.) {and yes, probably 99% of the rest of the world already knew one could skip the camera cord, but I'm a little slow on the uptake sometimes!}

Anyway, here's a little sneaky preview of my quilt for Another Little Quilt Swap. I see now that all the sashing fabrics weren't laying down flat, so you can see the foundations, but that's OK -- it's not like this is the finished product!

I'm not saying this is the layout or anything, either... just four little 3" blocks. I will say this: once I decided on the pattern, I challenged myself to make the quilt completely from my scrap bins. Not like it will significantly reduce them -- it's just that these are such little pieces, it seems wasteful to cut into yardage. Plus, it was fun to dig through the bin and remember some of the projects that these fabrics are from! The center goose in the top two blocks, for example, is from my fabrics from Sophie's "Stacked Squarez" swap and challenge on quilting.about.com, which was a good five years ago, when I was a new quilter. I even remember buying the fabric at Fabric & Findings in Rochester, back when they had a selection of quilting fabrics. (That was at least two -- if not more -- fires ago, and they no longer stock quilting cottons.) The lady who worked in that department "cut" the longest yards I've ever seen -- easily 40" or more -- and she always tore the fabric.

P.S. -- did I tell you I finally found thread to finish my feathered star piece from the project runway challenge?

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1 comment:

John said...

Hi Amy,
I love how your little quilt is looking. I wonder who the lucky recipient will be ... :)
Thanks for visiting my blog!