I *so* wish my mom or I had thought to take a picture of this, because it was just too cute! Alas, no mug shot of handsome George :-(
So we got to Jersey about a week and a half ago, on a Friday afternoon. I got the keys to my apartment, and we brought in some stuff from our cars, including George-the-Cat. The movers were coming Saturday morning, so we planned for the people to stay in a hotel and the cat to stay at the apartment. Although I've smuggled a cat into many a hotel room over the years when moving, we all knew there was no way that would work with this big boy!
Now, let's pretend that my parents and I easily found a place to stay (and that we weren't lost in the dark and rain), and fast-forward to Saturday morning. We got here before the movers (a good plan!) and thought we'd go ahead and transfer George to the bathroom for the morning. But I couldn't find him. Remember this is an 800 square foot, one bedroom apartment. The walls, doors and cabinets are all painted white, and the floor is light hardwood. George, you'll recall, is completely black.
We opened all the closet and cupboard doors, and I was starting to panic. I was sure he must have made such a racket that someone came and took him away in response to complaints from the neighbors! Finally, I happened to look UP in the kitchen, to see him curled up on top of the cabinets above the refrigerator.
Are you KIDDING me? My 22-pound cat is above my head. There's an excellent plan, no? He must have jumped onto the stove top, then the top of the fridge, and from there, it was barely a stretch to be on top the cabinets. (In my house, the kitchen cabinets go all the way to the ceiling -- here, there's probably a 12" gap.) Apparently he felt safe there, so we decided to leave him there as long as he didn't want to get down. He stayed during the entire time the movers were in and out (almost three hours), and ambled down to ground level shortly after they left. Goofball.
When my mom unpacked my kitchen (thanks, mom!), she put some stuff on top the cabinets and the fridge to discourage such behavior in the future. Fingers crossed... he seems to be happy napping in the cabinet under the kitchen sink, so I guess I'll just remove the cleaning products to another location and move on!